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Fly Away and Be at Rest

by J. M. Farro on June 28th, 2020

   “I said, ‘Oh, that I had the wings of a dove!  I would fly away and be at rest.  I would flee far away and stay in the desert; I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm.’”  Psalm 55:6-8 NIV

   These are the words of King David, who laments in this psalm about how he has been betrayed by one of his closest friends.  This painful betrayal has led to a vicious conspiracy against him, and David longs to be able to “fly away and be at rest” in a distant refuge, far from the storm that rages all around him.

   Perhaps you can relate to David’s feelings.  I know that I can.  I have felt this way many times since this worldwide pandemic has caused so much devastation, upheaval, and uncertainty.  More than ever, I long to have our Lord Jesus come back for His beloved Church, to rescue us all, and to take us to our true home in heaven.  Never before have I heard from so many fellow believers who are longing to escape from this dark and chaotic planet.

   While we wait upon the Lord to take us to our eternal home, we can find shelter from these turbulent times by getting still before Him, by quieting our minds and hearts, and by focusing on His Word and promises.  David reveals in verse 22 of this psalm how we can achieve stillness in the midst of trouble.  “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.” (Psalm 55:22 NIV)  When we can’t physically escape and fly away to a desert refuge, we can find peace and relief by releasing our cares to the Lord in prayer.  Then, when a troubling matter comes to mind, we can say, “Thank You, Lord, that You are taking care of that for me!”

   David ends his heart-wrenching psalm on a positive note.  “But as for me, I trust in You.” (Psalm 55:23 NIV)  David had a revelation of how casting his cares on the Lord, and putting his wholehearted trust in Him, would guarantee his victory, no matter how bleak his situation looked.  What, or who, do you need to entrust to the Lord today?

   Lord, when I long to fly away and be at rest, show me how to get still before You, quieting my heart and mind, and focusing on You and Your promises.  Deliver me from all my fears, and give me a trusting heart.  Teach me how to cast my cares upon You each day, releasing the burden of them to You once and for all.  Thank You for being my true refuge and relief in the midst of a chaotic world!

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   *Comments or Prayer Requests?  Please email Joanne (J. M.) Farro at

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