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Saturated in Prayer

by J. M. Farro on August 9th, 2020

   “Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing.  Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude.”  Philippians 4:6 TPT

   This verse of Scripture is one of the most often quoted passages in the Bible, with good reason.  It is God’s way of reminding us to get our focus off of the things of this world, and onto Him, so that we can walk in the supernatural peace that is our inheritance in Christ.

   This Passion Translation highlights how worry can pull us in different directions.  When it does, we can veer off course, away from the Lord’s best plans and purposes for us.  Then our impact on this world for Him will be greatly diminished.  I love how this translation says, “Be saturated in prayer throughout each day.”  This is similar to us being on the phone with God, and staying on the line with Him day and night.  This way, we are praying through every task, problem, and interaction with other people – bringing God’s involvement into every moment of every day.  Then this text says that we should offer our “faith-filled requests” up to the Lord with “overflowing gratitude.”  In other words, every request we make to God should be made with an attitude of faith in His Word and promises, as well as in His goodness.  And all of our petitions should spring from a grateful heart – not from a resentful or doubtful one.

   The next verse in this passage says, “Tell Him every detail of your life.”  The Lord knows that whenever we fail to talk to Him about a certain aspect of our lives, worry and anxiety creep in, and we forfeit our peace and joy.  That’s why the second half of this verse says, “THEN God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ.” (v. 7)  When we allow God’s kind of peace to flow unhindered into our lives, we are positioned to receive revelation knowledge that can transform our problems into divinely-ordained solutions. 

   God did not create us to bear the burdens of this life alone.  From the very beginning, He fashioned us to live our lives totally dependent upon Him.  When we do, we will experience the abundant, victorious lives that Jesus died for us to have.  God bless you!

   Lord, deliver me from all anxiety and worry that would pull me in different directions, away from Your perfect purposes for me.  Teach me how to saturate every aspect of my life in prayers of faith.  Give me a thankful heart that will never take Your blessings for granted.  Thank You that as I cooperate with You to walk in Your indescribable peace, I will receive the revelation knowledge I need to live a victorious and successful life!

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   *Comments or Prayer Requests?  Please email Joanne (J. M.) Farro at

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