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God’s Prescription for Healing

by J. M. Farro on April 18th, 2021

   “If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and He will gladly tell you, for He is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him; He will not resent it.” James 1:5 TLB

   When I woke up with my body racked with pain recently, I promptly sought the Lord for His wisdom and help.  As I prayed for healing and guidance, I suddenly thought about an old neck-shaped bean bag that I used to heat in the microwave oven for pain relief.  I had not seen this item in many years, and I didn’t even know for sure where it was.  But I decided to check one of my closets, and I located it immediately.  That’s when I began to think that using this bean bag was God’s idea.  When a dear friend and I were texting each other that same day, she asked how she could pray for me.  I told her about the pain in my body, and she recommended something that sounded almost identical to my neck-shaped bean bag.  I knew this was no coincidence, so I began using my heated bean bag regularly.  Each day, I felt better and better, and I thanked and praised God for His “prescription” for my ailment.

   This experience made me realize once again how the Lord often helps us in our time of need when we make seeking Him our highest priority.  In the case of healing, there are often multiple aspects of His “prescription” for us, and He will reveal them if we ask Him to.  As I sought His healing touch in this instance, I asked if I had committed some sin that had opened the door to Satan and his forces of evil.  That’s when I discovered that I had some unforgiveness in my heart, and that I needed to confess it, and to intentionally choose forgiveness, which I did right then and there.  The Holy Spirit reminded me of Ephesians 4:26-27 (TLB): “If you are angry, don’t sin by nursing your grudge.  Don’t let the sun go down with you still angry – get over it quickly; for when you are angry you give a mighty foothold to the devil.”

   Another aspect of God’s prescription for me was to ask a fellow follower of Christ for prayer – the dear friend I mentioned above.  Scripture says: “Pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.” (James 5:16 NLT)  Sometimes, we need to put aside our pride, and be transparent enough to share our struggles with other believers, so that they can pray for us.  If you don’t have someone close to you who you can trust in this manner, then ask the Lord if you should share your prayer requests with a trustworthy ministry.

   Lastly, another aspect of my divine prescription was to take some practical steps toward healing.  Using my neck-shaped bean bag was definitely a part of the healing process.  It sounds almost too simple, but when you combine this step with the other two God-directed steps I’ve mentioned here – forgiveness and prayer – you’ve got a powerful prescription for healing.  Ask the Lord how this message might apply to you today – and receive His prescription for your healing!

   Lord, I believe that You delight in healing those who belong to You.  Today, I ask in Jesus’ name that You reveal to me Your personal prescription for my healing.  Show me the spiritual aspects of it, as well as the practical aspects, and help me to implement them with a holy ease and joy.  Reveal to me who I can request prayer from, and who will stand in agreement with me for my deliverance.  By faith, I receive my healing right here and right now, Lord, and I thank You for it in Jesus’ name!    

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