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A Fresh Wind for Our Sails

by J. M. Farro on December 19th, 2021

   “Bring me back from gray exile.  Put a fresh wind in my sails!”  Psalm 51:12 MSG

   Here is the perfect verse to pray when you need a fresh touch from the Lord.  When you have lost your enthusiasm, your motivation, or your ambition.  When you need a Holy Spirit “nudge” to get going again.

   Perhaps you have heard someone say, “That took the wind out of my sails!”  It means that something happened, or someone said something, that made them feel less confident or determined to do something they had planned to do.  It means that they were left feeling disappointed, discouraged, and without hope.

   Perhaps you felt inspired by God to start a new project, a new career, a new job, or even a new ministry.  But then something or someone came along to discourage you, and to get you off track.  Or, perhaps the Lord has been showing you a new way to handle your finances in order to make them increase, instead of decrease.  Maybe God has been challenging you to start a new dietary plan or exercise routine that would improve your health and well-being.  Since Satan and his evil cohorts are aggressively against you making progress of any kind, they will do their best to send people across your path who will – intentionally or unintentionally – try to thwart your efforts.

   As followers of Christ, you and I are never without hope.  When people or circumstances threaten to deter or discourage us, we can turn to our God and say, “Put a fresh wind in my sails, Lord!”  Then, when you feel your mood brighten and your spirit lift, don’t forget Who deserves your thanks and praise!

   Lord, when I have lost my enthusiasm, ambition, or motivation to do what You are leading me to do, please give me a Holy Spirit nudge to get going again.  Fill me with a holy determination to lay hold of all the good things You have for me in this life.  Deliver and protect me from all disappointment and discouragement, and fill me with a fresh sense of hope.  Thank you that as I turn to You for help, You WILL put a fresh wind in my sails!

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   *Comments or Prayer Requests?  Please email Joanne (J. M.) Farro at

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