Don’t Stop Caring – Start Trusting!
“That’s why I tell you to have faith that you have already received whatever you pray for, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24 GW
I was thinking the other day about some loved ones who desperately needed the Lord in their lives, and who weren’t showing any signs of changing, even though I was praying for them day and night. I felt so disgusted with the situation that I told myself, “I have had enough of praying my heart out for these people, and I refuse to care about them anymore!” That’s when I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart, saying, “Don’t stop caring – start trusting!” After doing some honest soul-searching before the Lord, I realized that I had been walking by sight in the matter, instead of walking by faith, as the Bible tells us to. (2 Corinthians 5:7) I was focusing too much on visible signs, and it was causing me to doubt that God would ever give me the desires of my heart in this situation.
In order to demonstrate my trust in the Lord, He instructed me to begin thanking and praising Him in advance for the answers to my prayers, on the basis of Jesus’ words in Mark 11:24 (GW): “That’s why I tell you to have faith that you have already received whatever you pray for, and it will be yours.” God was challenging me to look at the answers to my prayers as a “done deal.” By faith, I was to begin thanking Him for the answer from that moment on. I was not to wait until I saw the evidence with my eyes. I thought about Hebrews 11:1 (TLB): “What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.” It is this “confident assurance” and “certainty” that can’t help but thank and praise God for the things we have “already received” from Him by faith.
The difference that this new strategy has made in my life has been remarkable. By thanking God in advance for the answers to my prayers, I have moved from being doubtful, fretful, and resentful – to being hopeful and joyful. I know in my heart that I am glorifying God more this way, than when I was complaining and being critical. I also know that this strategy is healthier for me, because living with doubt is draining and discouraging. Doubt can also cause us to drift away from God, whereas praise and thanksgiving draw us closer to Him. Because praise is effective spiritual warfare, it pushes back the forces of darkness, and ushers in the presence and power of Almighty God. And it is enabling me to enjoy my life while I wait on the Lord for my breakthrough. Ask the Lord how you can apply these spiritual principles to your own life and circumstances – and move from being doubtful to thankful today!
Lord, teach me how to have the kind of faith that gives You thanks and praise before my prayers are answered. Deliver me from the tendency to walk by sight, instead of by faith in You and Your promises. Fill me with confident assurance and certainty for the mighty works You desire to do on my behalf, and on behalf of my loved ones. Thank You that as I give You praise in advance of the manifestation of my miracles, my joy will overflow!
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