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A Position of Great Honor

by J. M. Farro on November 10th, 2024

   “Though You have allowed me to experience much trouble and distress, revive me once again!  Bring me up once again from the depths of the earth!  Raise me to a position of great honor!  Turn and comfort me!”  Psalm 71:20-21 NET

   If you are a follower of Christ, and if you have ever suffered in any way, then these verses are for you.  I love how this psalmist “tells it like it is.”  He admits that it’s his God who has allowed him to “experience much trouble and distress.”  And it’s his God who he turns to for revival and relief.  But this man of God doesn’t stop there.  He has the audacity to ask his Lord to “raise [him] to a position of great honor,” right in the midst of his suffering.

   According to the NET Bible notes for this psalm, another translation for verse 20 would be “increase my greatness.”  Then it is stated: The psalmist’s request for ‘greatness’ (or ‘honor’) is not a boastful, self-serving prayer for prominence, but, rather, a request that God would vindicate him by elevating him over those who are trying to humiliate him.”  We see the desires of the Lord’s heart for His devoted ones in this context, as well as in other parts of the Bible.  Deuteronomy 28:13 (NKJV) says: “The Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath.”  The NLT version reads, “You will always have the upper hand.”  Hallelujah!  Think of it this way – we are not asking to be exalted over other people, as much as we are praying to have the upper hand over the devil and all of his evil strategies against us.

   One of my favorite translations of Psalm 71:21 says: “You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.” (NKJV)  Imagine being totally surrounded by God’s supernatural comfort in times of distress.  That is the Lord’s will for us every moment of every day, not just in times of adversity.

   When God allows you to “experience much trouble and distress,” ask Him to revive, renew, and restore you.  But don’t stop there.  Go ahead and pray with boldness and confidence – “O Lord, raise me to a position of great honor, and turn and comfort me!”

   Lord, in times of trial and trouble, fight my battles for me.  Help me to cooperate with You all the way, so that Your divine purposes will always prevail in my life.  When I experience pain, ridicule, or humiliation, help me to respond in a Christlike manner, and comfort and vindicate me.  Thank You that You will surely increase my honor and my greatness for Your glory!

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