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A Place of Abundance

by J. M. Farro on January 12th, 2025

   “For You, O God, have tested us; You have tried us as silver is tried.  You brought us into the net; You laid a crushing burden on our backs; You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet You have brought us out to a place of abundance.” Psalm 66:10-12 ESV

   Even for the most devoted Christians, life has a way of pushing us down sometimes.  That’s why we can relate to the verses above in one way or another.  A loved one walks out on us.  A grown child moves away.  We lose a much-needed job.  Our finances take a downturn.  A debilitating illness overtakes us.  And worst of all, some of the people we most need encouragement from are the ones who will kick us when we are down.

   Fortunately, the Lord has good news for us in times like these.  After He has allowed us to be “tested” and “tried,” He promises to “[bring] us OUT to a place of abundance.”  In other words, God isn’t just going to deliver us from our troubles, but He is going to use our trials to position us to receive greater opportunities, blessings, and rewards than ever before.  Our job during the hard times is to keep our trust in the Lord, and to believe that there is a treasure for us in every trial.

   The Passion Translation reads, “Yet in the end You ALWAYS bring us out BETTER than we were before, saturated with Your goodness.” (v. 12)  This is the promise of Romans 8:28 – that God will cause ALL things to work together for our good.  So, keep your eyes on the Lord and His promises, and let Him lead you to a place of abundance!

   Lord, help me to find the treasure in every trial.  Remind me often that You are the ultimate Promise-Keeper, and that Your faithfulness to Your Word is guaranteed.  When I am struggling, fill me with a fresh sense of hope and expectation.  Thank You for bringing me out of every trial better than ever before!

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