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“Outside the Box” Faith

by J. M. Farro on May 2nd, 2011

This morning, I was reading an account in Luke’s Gospel of a man with leprosy who came to Jesus for healing. What amazed me most was that, according to the Scriptures, this particular man had an “advanced case” of the disease. Because of the destructive nature of leprosy, much of this man’s bodily tissue was undoubtedly gone. Yet he approaches the Savior with the words, “Lord, if You are willing, You can heal me and make me clean.” (Luke 5:12 NLT) This man would need God to perform a creative miracle to restore many parts of his body, yet he doesn’t hesitate to declare to the Master that he believes Jesus can make him whole again. The Savior responds to the man’s extraordinary faith by saying, “I am willing… Be healed!” (v. 13)

I believe there are many times you and I don’t ask God for healing, or other blessings, because we think that our situation is too far gone. We only think in terms of the Lord working within the natural realm of things, and we actually limit His work on our behalf. I believe that God is challenging His people today to begin thinking “outside the box,” so to speak, and to begin expecting and asking for the miraculous, even in seemingly “impossible” circumstances. What is it that you’ve been hesitating to believe God for today?

*NEW Book from J. M. Farro: Devotion, Discipleship…and Ducks! available on for your Kindle, PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, BlackBerry or Android! For more info: Click here!

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