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Commit Everything You Do to the Lord

by J. M. Farro on November 25th, 2018

   “Commit everything you do to the Lord.  Trust Him to help you do it, and He will.”  Psalm 37:5 TLB

   I was helping my 8-year-old grandson, William, with his homework the other day, when he began getting fretful about having to write a summary about the book he just read.  As a means  of encouraging him, I began sharing with him how I pray and commit my work to the Lord before I sit down to write anything.  I told him, “Do you think I could have written so many books without relying heavily on God’s help to do it?  No way!”  Will’s eyes got really big, and it was plain to see that he understood the point I was trying to make.  He prayed, and then dove into his assignment enthusiastically, completing it with speed and excellence.

   Over the years, I have leaned heavily upon God’s promise in Psalm 37:5 for all of my endeavors.  “Commit everything you do to the Lord.  Trust Him to help you do it, and He will.” (Psalm 37:5 TLB)  In fact, before I sat down to write this message, I prayed for God’s wisdom and help.  Whether I am baking a pie, mopping the floors, or having a difficult conversation with a loved one, I am holding the Lord to His promise to help me, once I have prayed and invited Him to oversee and direct my efforts.

   This past weekend, my husband, Joe, was working on a major home improvement project, and I noticed him spending countless hours calculating and analyzing, instead of actually beginning the work.  All his procrastination accomplished was to make his impending task loom larger and larger by the minute.  By the third day, I finally took my husband by the hand, committing his project to the Lord, and asking God to help him, and to deliver him from all his fears.  Suddenly, Joe had the courage to begin the work, relying on the Lord to complete it.

   As followers of Christ, you and I don’t have to become anxious or fearful about our assignments or responsibilities.  We have heavenly resources at our disposal, simply for the asking.  I encourage you to “commit everything you do to the Lord,” and watch what He will do for you and through you!

   Lord, before I tackle any kind of task – large or small – please remind me by Your Spirit to commit my efforts to You.  Deliver me from all my fears, including my fear of failure and defeat.  Give me the faith I need to truly believe that You want to help me with my work, and that You will, once I have invited Your presence and Your power.  Thank You for the divine favor, success, and joy that I will experience as a result of leaning upon You, instead of my own abilities and skills!

   *Comments or Prayer Requests?  Please email Joanne (J. M.) Farro at

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