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Get Into Agreement with God

by J. M. Farro on November 3rd, 2019

   “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.” Job 22:28 NKJV

   My husband, Joe, will finally be retiring at the end of this year.  He has been in the workforce for more than 50 years – sometimes working multiple jobs at one time.  No one is happier than I am that, very soon, he won’t have to spend long hours commuting five days a week. 

   Yet, I keep running into people who are doing their best to make me feel apprehensive about my husband’s retirement.  They will say things like, “Aren’t you afraid that your husband is going to drive you crazy when he’s home full-time?” 

   When I spent some time alone with the Lord, sharing my thoughts with Him on the subject, He reminded me about how I handled the “empty nest syndrome” years ago.  My older son was already married at the time, and my younger son was planning his own wedding with his future wife.  People kept coming up to me, warning me that I was going to be miserable when I no longer had any children living under my roof.  When I sought the Lord about it, He instructed me to depend on Him for strength and guidance, and to pray in advance against all negative feelings, emotions, and mindsets that might come against me.  With God’s help, the transition went smoothly, and I never did become grieved or sorrowful when my youngest son left home.

   Now people are warning me that I am going to hate having my husband home full-time when he retires later this year.  And I have a choice to make.  Am I going to agree with God that I will enjoy having my husband around more?  Or am I going to agree with the devil that spending more time together will be a burden, instead of a blessing? 

   The Bible says, “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.” (Job 22:28 NKJV)  The Lord showed me that if I will align my thoughts and my words with His in the matter, He will see that a good outcome is “established” for me and my husband.  And the “light of God’s favor” will shine on us. (AMP)  I can honestly say that I am eagerly looking forward to Joe’s retirement, and I am continually thanking God for what I am viewing as a blessing.

   What about you?  What are you facing today, that the Lord wants you to get into agreement with Him about?  I’m here to tell you that if you will get into agreement with God, and out of agreement with the devil, you will see Him establish great good for you, and the light of His favor will shine on you!

   Lord, I bring before You today all of my concerns and circumstances.  Reveal to me what Your will is for me in these matters, and help me to get into agreement with You for the very best outcome.  Deliver me from all my fears, and strengthen me to ignore words of doubt from others, as well as all feelings of dread.  Thank You that as I declare and receive Your favor over every area of my life, You will establish great good for me and mine!

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