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Let Go and Relax!

by J. M. Farro on June 18th, 2022

   “Cease striving and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 NASB 

   I was seeking the Lord about a troublesome situation during my quiet time with Him, when He led me to Psalm 46.  This is the psalm that starts out by saying, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1 NASB)  I have experienced the power of having the Lord be “a very present help in trouble” in the past, but my current situation seemed different somehow.  And I was getting frustrated and discouraged.

   As I read through the rest of this psalm, I came to verse 10, which says, “Cease striving and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10 NASB)  I have seen this verse of Scripture countless times, and it has always ministered peace to my hurting soul.  But what I never noticed before was a footnote for this verse in the NASB translation.  It says simply, “Let go, relax.”  When I read those words, it was like every fiber of my being lit up, and I knew the Lord was speaking to me.

   I looked up the definition of the word “striving,” and I found phrases like “making great efforts to achieve or obtain something” and “struggling or fighting vigorously.”  The Lord’s message to me was clear.  If I wanted Him to be “a very present help” in my troubling situation, I had to cease my “great efforts” and my “struggling,” and I had to “let go” and “relax.”

   I believe this message could very well apply to a situation you are facing right now.  You have done everything you could possibly do, but the situation persists, and you are tempted to give in to frustration and discouragement.  Take heart, dear one.  Let go and relax – entrusting the matter entirely to the Lord.  And watch Him do what only He can do!

   Lord, I declare that You are my refuge and strength, and a very present help in times of trouble.  Remind me often that Your Word says, “God wants His children to live in peace.” (1 Corinthians 7:15 NLT)  Teach me how to cast all of my cares and anxieties upon You every day, so that You can support me and sustain me according to Your promise. (Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:7)  Thank You that as I let go and relax, You will prove Yourself to be my Burden-Bearer, and You will fight – and win! – all of my battles for me! (Psalm 68:19 NIV; Exodus 14:14)

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