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Trusting God with Our Relationships

by J. M. Farro on September 27th, 2010

Before I met my husband, Joe, many years ago, I had a long-term relationship with a young man who was all wrong for me. He and I fought and mistreated each other most of the time, and the relationship ended badly. Afterwards, I became so bitter and cynical that I didn’t think I could ever trust a man again. Seven months later, I met my husband, and we began dating. There was a part of me that knew that Joe could be God’s choice for me, but I wasn’t willing to trust him enough to allow our relationship to grow. After many months of wrestling with my fears and doubts, I finally agreed to marry him. We had a lot of problems in our early years of marriage, and we even sought counseling during some of those years.

Once I surrendered my life to the Lord, and began seeking His will for my life, He began dealing with me about the problems that still lingered between Joe and me. God made me realize that I was still having a hard time trusting my husband the way I needed to in order for our marriage to be healed. I remember confessing to the Lord that I just couldn’t bring myself to put my wholehearted trust in my husband. That’s when God told me, “I’m not asking you to trust Joe—I’m asking you to trust ME!” As an act of faith, I told the Lord that I was putting my husband and my marriage in His hands, and that I would depend on HIM to defend me, and to fight my battles for me, if Joe ever mistreated me or did me wrong in any way.

Scripture says: “Only we who believe God can enter into His place of rest.” (Hebrews 4:3 TLB) Ever since I made the decision to trust God with my husband and my marriage, I have been able to enter into His rest, and to experience the peace that only He can give. And I actually feel sorry for my husband if he ever decides to mistreat me, because I know that the Lord will deal with him if he does. Joe and I recently celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary, and our relationship is better now than it’s ever been before. Who is it that YOU need to trust God with today?

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