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Sep 15 24

We Are Being Watched

by J. M. Farro

   “Our work as God’s servants gets validated – or not – in the details.  People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly…in hard times, tough times, bad times…”  2 Corinthians 6:4 MSG

   When we gathered together as a family the other day, my grandson, William, began telling me about his experience selling popcorn for his Boy Scouts troop.  He shared with me how the simple act of giving his mother – my daughter-in-law, Amy – a hug, led to him making a sizable sale.  As it turns out, this hug was witnessed by a Christian couple who happened to be nearby.  The woman was so impressed by Will’s demonstration of love for his mom, that she approached my grandson and daughter-in-law, and expressed how touched she was by the gesture.  As they chatted, the wise woman discerned and rejoiced that Amy was “a sister in Christ,” and she and her husband joyfully made a donation to Will’s cause.

   Amy was impressed with the fact that this woman made the point that we are constantly “being watched.”  It reminds me of the Scripture that says: “People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly…in hard times, tough times, bad times…” (2 Corinthians 6:4 MSG)  It’s a sobering thought, and one that we should keep in mind as servants of Christ.

   When we commit our lives to Christ – like it or not – we become His representatives on this earth.  The Apostle Paul said: “We are ambassadors for Christ . . . Christ’s representatives.” (2 Corinthians 5:20 AMP)  Wherever we go, we are on display, and our conduct, conversation, and character should always reflect Christ.  While this can be an intimidating thought, think of the potential it offers.  By simply following the leadership of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us since our conversion, we can be examples of the Scriptural truth which says, “Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words.” (1 Peter 3:2 TLB)  As we allow Christ to live the abundant, overcoming life through us, His Spirit will draw some of those we encounter into a deeply intimate and eternal relationship with Him.  It’s a tremendous responsibility and privilege.

   I recently read that it’s been estimated that only 1% of the lives we touch here on earth for Christ will be revealed to us while we are still here.  That means that when we get to heaven, it’s entirely likely that large numbers of people will come up to us and say, “I am here because of you!”  Today, take heart in knowing that you are making a difference for God right here and now, and you WILL hear the Lord say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:23)

   Lord, empower me by Your Spirit to live a Christlike, overcoming life.  Help me to conduct myself with wisdom in all of my interactions, and to make the most of each opportunity, treating it as something precious. (Colossians 4:5 AMP)  Enable me to throw myself into the work of the Master, confident that nothing I do for You is a waste of time or effort. (1 Corinthians 15:58 MSG)  Thank You for making me a victorious world-changer for Christ!  

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!


Sep 8 24

Your Prayers Are Working!

by J. M. Farro

   “But I tell you this – though he won’t do it for friendship’s sake, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence.” Luke 11:8 NLT

   Over the years, I have written out by hand the countless Scriptures and promises that the Holy Spirit has directed me to pray and stand on for myself, my loved ones, and many others.  One morning when I was spending time alone with God and praying some of these verses, I said out loud in utter frustration, “These prayers aren’t working!”  Immediately, I sensed the Spirit of God saying to my spirit, “ALL OF THEM ARE WORKING!”  That’s when the Lord reminded me of something I heard a godly man say that spoke to my heart – “You’ve got the devil exactly where you want him!  This is NO time to quit!”

   In the Parable of the Persistent Neighbor in Luke Chapter 11, Jesus instructs us how to pray with persistence.  He talks about a fellow who knocks on his neighbor’s door in the middle of the night until the man gets up and gives him bread for his visiting guests.  Jesus says: “I tell you, although he will not get up and supply him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his shameless persistence and insistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.” (Luke 11:8 AMP)  Then, in the next verse, Jesus drives home His point: “So I say to you, ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who keeps on asking [persistently], receives; and he who keeps on seeking [persistently], finds; and to him who keeps on knocking [persistently], the door will be opened.” (Luke 11:9-10 AMP)  This Amplified Bible Translation shows a footnote that says, “Here the use of Greek present imperatives (asking, seeking, knocking) emphasizes persistent, constant prayer.”  The Apostle Paul reiterates the Savior’s lesson when he writes, “Be unceasing and persistent in prayer.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 AMP)

   Why is persistent prayer so important to the believer?  Because Satan knows that he has absolutely no defense against a praying believer who refuses to give up.  Jesus told us clearly to count the cost of following Him. (Luke 14:28)  Praying prayers like these will cost us.  They will cost us time and energy that we never thought we could afford.  And this is one reason why God gave us His Holy Spirit to strengthen, empower, and guide us – even in prayer. (Romans 8:26)  Today, I am telling you what the Lord told me – your prayers ARE working, so don’t quit and give up before your breakthrough comes!

   Lord, help me to consistently walk by faith, and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)  Remind me often that “better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing.” (John 20:29 MSG)  Teach me how to pray with shameless persistence according to Your will.  Guard me from discouragement and impatience.  Thank You for the abundant harvests of blessings that I will reap as a result!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

Sep 1 24

Stay Faithful to God and Speak Words of Faith

by J. M. Farro

   “Even when it seems I’m surrounded by many liars and my own fears, and though I’m hurting in my suffering and trauma, I still stay faithful to God and speak words of faith.” Psalm 116:10-11 TPT

   I heard someone say years ago that real trust in God always involves unanswered questions.  It reminds me of a Scripture that says, “I trusted in the Lord when I said, ‘I am greatly afflicted.’” (Psalm 116:10 NIV)  One translation says, “I continued believing even when I said, ‘I am completely ruined!’” (ERV)  How could King David make such a bold and confident declaration in the midst of the darkest times?  Because he was the same man who declared, “Many hardships and perplexing circumstances confront the righteous, but the Lord rescues him from them ALL.” (Psalm 34:19 AMP)  David truly believed that God would deliver him from ALL of his troubles.  He also believed that God would deliver him from ALL of his troubles right here on this earth.  This is most evident in his statement in Psalm 27:13 (NLT): “Yet I am confident I will see the LORD’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.”  No wonder God called him “a man after My own heart.” (Acts 13:22)

   I love how the Passion Translation states: “Even when it seems I’m surrounded by many liars and my own fears, and though I’m hurting in my suffering and trauma, I still stay faithful to God and speak words of faith.” (Psalm 116:10-11)  David made up his mind that in the midst of rejection, betrayal, disease, calamity, and pain, he would stay faithful to the Lord, and continue to declare words of faith.  One of the most powerful things we can do while we are going through trials is to pray and proclaim God’s promises for our situation.  As I wait on the Lord for my healing today, I am continually declaring, “I shall be whole!” (Mark 5:28 KJV)  In this way, I am affirming God’s faithfulness to His Word, and my unwavering faith in Him.

   Scripture says: “By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.” (Hebrews 11:11 NKJV)  Once, when I was faced with a serious situation, the Holy Spirit showed me this verse, and He instructed me to continually say, “I judge You faithful, Lord!”  All of a sudden, I realized that if Abraham’s wife could get her miracle by judging God faithful to His promises, then so could I.  And so can you!

   Psalm 27 ends with a plea from David: “Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord.  Be brave and courageous, and NEVER lose hope.  Yes, keep on waiting – for He will never disappoint you!” (Psalm 27:14 TPT)

    Lord, when I am going through difficulties and trials, help me to keep my eyes on You and Your promises.  Show me how to draw close to You daily, and how to cling to You in the midst of my troubles.  Teach me how to remain faithful to You, and to continually speak words of faith, instead of doubt.  Thank You that I WILL see Your goodness and blessings in this land of the living!

   *To order J. M. Farro books on Amazon, please use this link!

   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!


Aug 25 24

May the Lord Reward You Well

by J. M. Farro

   “May the Lord reward you well for the kindness you have shown me today.”  1 Samuel 24:19 NLT

   When I shop online, and my orders are delivered to my doorstep, I like to make the effort to give the delivery people a good review for their service.  It doesn’t take long, and I like the thought of brightening someone else’s day.  Earlier today, when my husband, Joe, got a delivery, I encouraged him to go online and leave a thumbs-up for his driver.  I told him that God would bless him for it, and that it happens to be one of the easiest ways to get a blessing from the Lord.  How do I know this?  Because the Holy Spirit has spoken it to my heart, and Scripture confirms it.

   A verse that God often brings to my remembrance is First Samuel 24:19 (NLT): “May the Lord reward you well for the kindness you have shown me today.”  The Message Bible says it this way: “May God give you a bonus of blessings for what you’ve done for me today!”  All through the pages of the Bible, the Lord reminds His people that He will not let even our smallest kindnesses go unrewarded.  Jesus Himself said, “If you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.” (Matthew 10:42 NLT)  Every day, we could be demonstrating small acts of kindness toward other believers, without even knowing it.

   Proverbs says: “Those who are kind benefit themselves, but the cruel bring ruin on themselves.” (Proverbs 11:17 NIV)  It benefits us and profits us to be kind to others.  But each time we are cruel or careless in our treatment of others, we could be bringing “ruin on [ourselves].”  It’s simply not worth it.  I love how the Amplified Classic version says, “The merciful, kind, and generous man benefits himself [for his deeds return to bless him.].”  Hallelujah!

   Jesus said: “GIVE, AND IT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU.  They will pour into your lap a good measure – pressed down, shaken together, and running over [with NO space left for more].  For with the standard of measurement you use [when you do good to others], it will be measured to you in return.” (Luke 6:38 AMP)  Our God is not a skimpy God, but He is the God of Overflow!  The Apostle Paul wrote: “[Remember] this: he who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly, and he who sows generously [THAT BLESSINGS MAY COME TO SOMEONE] will also reap generously and with blessings.” (2 Corinthians 9:6 AMPC)  Start sowing a greater measure of acts of kindness today, and watch the Lord send you a greater harvest of blessings of every kind!

   Lord, teach me how to sow seeds of kindness everywhere I go.  Remind me often that even my smallest acts of kindness will not go unnoticed by You.  Work in my heart so that I will always be kind to others for the right reasons.  Help me to bless others in Your name and for Your glory.  Thank You that as I sow seeds of kindness generously, I will reap generously and with blessings!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!


Aug 18 24

Stop Pushing Yourself

by J. M. Farro

   “There was such a swirl of activity around Jesus, with so many people coming and going, that they were unable to even eat a meal. So Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Come, let’s take a break and find a secluded place where you can rest a while.’”  Mark 6:31 TPT

    A few months ago, I was diagnosed with a serious autoimmune disease.  As I got alone with God, and prayed for wisdom and healing, the Holy Spirit gave me a very strong message: “You need to stop pushing yourself, and start pacing yourself.”  This was the Lord’s way of saying that if I was going to trust Him for my healing, I was going to have to cooperate with Him, and make some lifestyle changes.

   Years ago, the Lord instructed me to build more “margin” into my life.  A good definition of margin says: Margin is the space between our load and our limits.  Margin is the gap between rest and exhaustion, the space between breathing freely and suffocating.  Margin is the opposite of overload.”  Since my diagnosis, I am getting more serious about creating “margin” in my life.  I find myself telling people things like, “I already have enough going on during that week, and I cannot make any more plans.”  I can tell you with certainty that there will be times when you are going to have to disappoint some people in order to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading.

   I see a lot of sweet Christian people who habitually carry loads and burdens that are detrimental to their own health and well-being.  If you are one of these precious people, let me share a Word with you that God gave me years ago.  “For it is not [intended] that others be relieved [of their responsibility] and that you be burdened [unfairly], but that there be equality [in sharing the burden].” (2 Corinthians 8:13 AMP)  Give this verse some serious thought, and ask the Lord how it might apply to you.

   The Bible shows us clearly what God’s will is for us when we are feeling overwhelmed or overloaded.  Mark 6:31 (TPT) says: “There was such a swirl of activity around Jesus, with so many people coming and going, that they were unable to even eat a meal.  So Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Come, let’s take a break and find a secluded place where you can rest a while.’”  When we break away from all the activity and noise, and seek the Lord for His wisdom and will, He will show us how to slow down and calm down, while still being productive and fruitful servants of His.  Are you prepared to stop pushing yourself, and to start pacing yourself in the days ahead?

   Lord, it is the desire of my heart to finish my course with joy, and to complete the tasks that You give me on this earth. (Acts 20:24)  Grant me the wisdom and self-discipline I need to create margin in my life, and to resist taking on burdens and responsibilities that are not Your will for me.  Teach me how to regularly break away from the activity and noise of life, and to spend time alone in Your presence and Your Word.  Thank You that as I follow Your lead, I will find all the rest, recovery, and healing I ever need!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

Aug 11 24

Don’t Stop Caring – Start Trusting!

by J. M. Farro

   “That’s why I tell you to have faith that you have already received whatever you pray for, and it will be yours.”  Mark 11:24 GW

   I was thinking the other day about some loved ones who desperately needed the Lord in their lives, and who weren’t showing any signs of changing, even though I was praying for them day and night.  I felt so disgusted with the situation that I told myself, “I have had enough of praying my heart out for these people, and I refuse to care about them anymore!”  That’s when I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart, saying, “Don’t stop caring – start trusting!”  After doing some honest soul-searching before the Lord, I realized that I had been walking by sight in the matter, instead of walking by faith, as the Bible tells us to. (2 Corinthians 5:7)  I was focusing too much on visible signs, and it was causing me to doubt that God would ever give me the desires of my heart in this situation.

   In order to demonstrate my trust in the Lord, He instructed me to begin thanking and praising Him in advance for the answers to my prayers, on the basis of Jesus’ words in Mark 11:24 (GW):  “That’s why I tell you to have faith that you have already received whatever you pray for, and it will be yours.”  God was challenging me to look at the answers to my prayers as a “done deal.”  By faith, I was to begin thanking Him for the answer from that moment on.  I was not to wait until I saw the evidence with my eyes.  I thought about Hebrews 11:1 (TLB):  “What is faith?  It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen.  It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.”  It is this “confident assurance” and “certainty” that can’t help but thank and praise God for the things we have “already received” from Him by faith.

   The difference that this new strategy has made in my life has been remarkable.  By thanking God in advance for the answers to my prayers, I have moved from being doubtful, fretful, and resentful – to being hopeful and joyful.  I know in my heart that I am glorifying God more this way, than when I was complaining and being critical.  I also know that this strategy is healthier for me, because living with doubt is draining and discouraging.  Doubt can also cause us to drift away from God, whereas praise and thanksgiving draw us closer to Him.  Because praise is effective spiritual warfare,  it pushes back the forces of darkness, and ushers in the presence and power of Almighty God.  And it is enabling me to enjoy my life while I wait on the Lord for my breakthrough.  Ask the Lord how you can apply these spiritual principles to your own life and circumstances – and move from being doubtful to thankful today!

   Lord, teach me how to have the kind of faith that gives You thanks and praise before my prayers are answered.  Deliver me from the tendency to walk by sight, instead of by faith in You and Your promises.  Fill me with confident assurance and certainty for the mighty works You desire to do on my behalf, and on behalf of my loved ones.  Thank You that as I give You praise in advance of the manifestation of my miracles, my joy will overflow!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

Aug 4 24

Good Judgment for Decisions

by J. M. Farro

   “God didn’t give us a cowardly spirit but a spirit of power, love, and good judgment.”  2 Timothy 1:7 GW

   Recently, I had to make an important decision that could have far-reaching consequences.  I was so nervous and fearful about it, that I knew it would be difficult for me to hear clearly from God in the matter.  As I made an effort to settle myself down in my spirit and my emotions, I sought the Lord for His wisdom and guidance.

   He led me to the God’s Word Translation of Second Timothy 1:7 (GW), which says that “God didn’t give us a cowardly spirit but a spirit of power, love, and good judgment.”  As soon as I saw the words, “good judgment,” I knew I had my answer.

   All through the day, I declared this promise – emphasizing that I had been given a spirit of good judgment.  And I became filled with the Christlike confidence I needed to make the right decision, and to receive the Lord’s best outcome.

   As believers, you and I don’t have to become fearful when we have decisions to make.  On the basis of God’s Word, we can ask and receive the divine help and guidance we need to lay hold of God’s best in every situation we encounter.  The author of Psalm 119 prayed: “Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I believe in Your commands.” (Psalm 119:66 NIV)  The Passion Translation says it this way: “Teach me how to make good decisions, and give me revelation-light, for I believe in Your commands.”

   As we seek the Lord for His assistance in making good decisions, we will have all the help of Heaven on our side!

   Lord, when I have decisions to make that can affect me or my loved ones, remind me to seek You first for Your will in the matter.  Guard me from doubt and fear, and help me to remember that You promise to give me divine wisdom when I ask for it in faith. (James 1:5)  Fill me with the Christlike confidence I need to make the right decision in every situation.  Thank You that as I follow Your lead, I will receive Your best outcome every time!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

Jul 28 24

God Wants to Keep His Promises to You

by J. M. Farro

   “You are doing all these things just because You PROMISED to and because You WANT to!”  2 Samuel 7:21 TLB

   This little verse reveals a powerful spiritual principle – that the Lord works wonders in His followers’ lives because He has promised to, and because He wants to.  So, when we read a promise in the Bible that sounds too good to be true – we can lay hold of it by faith, believing that because He said it, He wants to do it!

   One translation of this verse says: “You will do all these wonderful things because you SAID You would do them, and because You WANT to do them.” (2 Samuel 7:21 ERV)  When we see in God’s Word that He will supply all of our needs (Philippians 4:19), we can pray and claim His promise, having confidence that He will do it simply because He SAID He would do it, and because He DESIRES to do it.  We don’t have to twist His arm or beg Him to keep His promises.

   I like how the Message Bible translates these precious words of David the shepherd king: “You’ve done all this not because of who I am but because of who YOU are – out of Your very heart!”

   Martin Luther said, “Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness.”  One of the best ways we can lay hold of God’s willingness is to pray His promises back to Him, believing with all our hearts that He longs to fulfill them on our behalf.  Are you prepared to lay hold of the Lord’s willingness today?

   Lord, help me to spend plenty of time in Your presence and Your Word on a regular basis, so that I might better know and appreciate Your boundless goodness, mercy, and power.  Teach me how to dig deep into the Scriptures, and to lay hold of the divine promises that have my name on them.  Increase my faith in Your faithfulness to Your Word, and guard me from doubt and unbelief.  Thank You that as I trust in Your ability and willingness to bless me in every area of my life, I will witness You working wonders on my behalf!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!



Jul 21 24

A Word Spoken in Due Season

by J. M. Farro

   “A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, and a word spoken in due season, how good it is!”  Proverbs 15:23 NKJV

   The Lord taught me a powerful principle about my words when He led me to the verse above recently.  He showed me that I can bring myself “joy by the answer of [my] mouth” by answering negative thoughts with “a word spoken in due season.”  Let me explain.

   When negative thoughts come into our minds as a result of our own toxic thinking – or the devil’s temptations, accusations, or deceptions – we can respond by speaking out the Word of God that applies to our situation.  Jesus demonstrated this principle beautifully when Satan came to tempt Him during His forty days in the desert. (See Matthew 4)  Each time the devil challenged the Savior, He responded with, “It is written…” followed by an applicable Scripture.  And you and I can do the same thing.

   Suppose you need healing in your body.  Satan will do his best to make you think things are worse than they really are.  He will whisper in your ear, “You’re not getting your healing this time.”  If you don’t answer him with your mouth, his despicable lies will take root in your mind and heart, and they will keep you from receiving from God.  But if you say, “It is written – with the stripes that wounded Jesus, I am healed and made whole!” the devil will have to slink away, his vile strategies having been neutralized. (Isaiah 53:5 AMP; Psalm 112:10 NLT)

   If we fail to answer attacks on our minds with the Truth, we will lose our joy for sure.  And not just our joy, but our peace, and eventually, our freedom.  We must remain on the offensive, not just the defensive, at all times.  Being passive can rob us of our God-given purpose and potential.  On the other hand, speaking a word in due season to ourselves can keep us on track and ensure that we fulfill our God-given destiny.

   The God’s Word (GW) translation of Proverbs 15:23 says:  “A person is delighted to hear an answer from his own mouth, and a timely word – oh, how good!”  Let yourself hear your own mouth speaking out words of faith, and delight yourself and the Lord every time!

   Lord, please help me to spend consistent, undistracted time in Your Word, so that I can recall it when I need to, with the help of Your Holy Spirit.  Don’t allow me to take a passive stance toward negative thoughts and ideas that assail me.  Guard me from toxic mindsets and emotions, and teach me how to use Your Word against them.  Thank You that each time I speak a Word in due season to myself, Your supernatural joy will fill me to overflowing!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

Jul 15 24

The Desires of Your Heart

by J. M. Farro

   “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4 ESV

   Have you ever thought about all of the rich and famous people who committed suicide, or who cut their lives short by abusing alcohol or drugs?  I have.  And I believe I know one of the many reasons why these people end up this way.  They never receive the true desires of their hearts.  They may attain some measure of “success,” but God can never give them the deep desires of their hearts because they don’t have a personal relationship with Him.

   Psalm 37:4 says that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our hearts.  What does it mean to delight ourselves in Him?  When I asked the Holy Spirit this very question, He brought Second Corinthians 5:9 (NIV) to my remembrance: “So we make it our goal to please Him.”  When we live our lives focused on pleasing God above everyone else, including ourselves, we will be delighting ourselves in the Lord, and He will keep His promise to give us the desires of our hearts.  That doesn’t mean that He will indulge every whim of ours, but that He will satisfy all of the desires in our hearts that are good and godly, and that will bring glory to Him. 

   Another Scripture about this subject is found in Psalm 145:19 (NIV): “He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and saves them.”  Here, God reveals that He is eager to fulfill the desires of those who hold a deep reverence for Him, and He will answer their prayers, and rescue them in times of trouble.  The Passion Translation says it this way: “Every one of Your godly lovers receives even more than what they ask for.  For You hear what their hearts really long for and You bring them Your saving strength.”  Hallelujah!

   The Amplified Translation of Psalm 37:4 says: “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.”  There are desires in your heart right now that you don’t even know are there.  But God knows, because He put them there – and He will answer these “secret petitions” of yours as you live your life for Him!

   Lord, work in my heart so that I will always make it my goal in life to please You in all things.  Fill me with a deep reverence for You, Your ways, and Your Word.  Align my desires with Yours, so that they never conflict with Your plans and purposes for me.  Thank You for hearing what my heart really longs for, and giving me even more than what I ask for!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!