Distracted from God’s Work
“But Jesus told him, ‘Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the Kingdom of God.’” Luke 9:62 TLB
The Lord showed me this verse in the Living Bible when I was feeling overwhelmed by distractions involving some loved ones of mine. I tend to be a sensitive person, so when people I care about are suffering physically or emotionally, I can get distracted pretty easily.
This verse reminds me that when we allow people or things to distract us from our service to Christ, we could be veering off course, far away from the plans and purposes that He has ordained for us. Not only will we miss out on the great rewards, opportunities, and blessings God has in store for us, but we will never be as close to Him as He longs for us to be.
Let’s face it, most of us have people in our lives who tend to be “high maintenance.” Some of them really are in desperate need, and the Lord knows we should grant them a certain amount of our time and energy. But then there are those who can be toxic – who will suck the life out of us, if we let them. They are perpetual takers, and never givers. And if we don’t set the proper boundaries with God’s help, the devil will use these people to prevent us from fulfilling our God-given purpose and potential.
Don’t allow anything or anyone to come between you and the Lord – and His great and glorious destiny for you. Ask Him to help you to avoid all distractions that are not of Him, so you can stay on course and become all He created you to be!
Lord, give me divine discernment so that I can always tell the difference between distractions that are Your will for me, and those that are not. Help me to be led by Your Spirit when I am spending precious time and energy reaching out to others. Remind me that if I want to fulfill my God-given purpose and potential, then I will have to give You first place in my life in every respect. Thank You that as I look to You for leadership, wisdom, and strength, You will guarantee that I complete the assignments You have for me!
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