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God will Work on Your Behalf

by J. M. Farro on August 6th, 2023

   “I will work, and who can hinder or reverse it?”  Isaiah 43:13 AMP

   Here is a promise for God’s people when we are praying and trusting Him for His mighty intervention, and the odds are stacked against us, and we can see no signs of relief.  Each time the Lord has given me this precious promise, I have sensed Him saying to me – “Even though it looks like nothing is happening, I’m telling you that I am working on your behalf behind the scenes, and nothing and no one will be able to prevent or undo what I am doing for you!” 

   One reason why the Lord has promises like these in His Word is so that you and I will refuse to doubt Him when it seems as though people, or the devil himself, are gaining the upper hand in our situation.  God reassures us that no devil in hell and no person on earth can stop Him from acting on our behalf.  And if we will stay in faith and keep our expectations high, we will see the Lord doing what only He can do.

   In the book of Job, we find this man of God declaring to the Lord, “I know that You can do everything and that Your plans are unstoppable.” (Job 42:2 GW)  Think of the situations that you are facing right now that have you so concerned.  Do you really believe that God’s good plans for you are “unstoppable”?  If not, I urge you to confess your doubts to the Lord, and ask Him to forgive you, and to increase your faith in Him and His eternal promises.

   Today, I encourage you to say what I say at times like this – “Dear God, I thank You that You are working on my behalf right now, and no one can hinder or reverse it!”

    Lord, grant me a biblical worldview, instead of a worldly one.  Help me to have Your perspective in every situation and circumstance.  Remind me to spend undistracted, unhurried time in Your presence and Your Word on a regular basis.  Deliver me from the fear and doubt that can rob me of Your best.  Thank You that as I walk closely with You throughout each day, I will discover for myself that Your good plans for me are unstoppable!


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