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Adjusting to New Things

by J. M. Farro on October 11th, 2010

I love how the Bible tells us that we should pray about everything. Before I began studying the Scriptures in-depth, I thought I had to restrict my prayers to praying about big and important matters. After all, didn’t God have enough to do without me bothering Him with my petty little problems? Imagine my joy and surprise when I dug into God’s Word and discovered that the Lord had extended an invitation to me to share ALL of my concerns with Him. Jesus said: “That’s why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you’ll get God’s everything.” (Mark 11:24 MSG)

One of the ways I like to take the Lord up on His invitation is to ask for His help when I get something new, and I’m having trouble getting used to it. For example, when I have dental work done, even the smallest alteration of one of my teeth can feel like a mountain in my mouth. If I know in advance that I’m going to have this kind of work done, I start praying right away that the Lord will help me to get used to it quickly and easily. Then, once the work is actually complete, every time I begin feeling uncomfortable, nervous, or frustrated, I’ll say, “Lord, fill me with Your peace about my new dental work, and help me to get used to it quickly.” I am always amazed at how eager God is to answer my pleas for His assistance in matters like these.

My husband, Joe, and I just ordered a new refrigerator, and I know that it’s going to require a period of adjustment for me when it finally arrives. I’ve had my old refrigerator for almost 21 years, and replacing it with another one—even a better one—is going to feel very strange. So each time I begin to get a bit fearful or fretful about having to get used to a new appliance, I’ll say, “Lord, thank You so much for my new refrigerator. Please help me to get used to it quickly and easily, and to appreciate it and enjoy it the way You want me to.” In my mind, I’m already enjoying my new refrigerator, and fear and doubt are having a hard time getting a hold on me. What new things are headed your way that perhaps you need some divine assistance to handle?

From → Devotionals

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