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Prayer for Safety and Protection

by J. M. Farro on April 12th, 2010

LORD, on the basis of Your Word, I ask that you spread Your protection over me this day. Keep me from all harm, and watch over my life. Watch over my coming and my going both now and forevermore. Be a wall of fire around me, Lord. Let Your favor surround me like a shield. Give Your angels charge over me to guard me in all of my ways. Thank You, Lord, that Your angels are encamped all around me–to rescue and deliver me from all evil, harm, destruction, disease, and defeat! (Psalm 5:11; Psalm 121:7-8; Zechariah 2:5; Psalm 5:12; Psalm 91:11; Psalm 34:7)

From → Prayers

  1. Thank you for your anointed prayers

  2. J.M. Farro permalink

    And thank YOU for the word of encouragement, Alex. God bless!

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