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Mar 3 24

The Lord will Execute His Word

by J. M. Farro

   “For the Lord will execute His Word on the earth, thoroughly and quickly.”  Romans 9:28 NASB

   Here is a promise from God for His people when it seems as though our prayers are going unanswered for longer than we would like them to.  The Lord is saying here that though the answers to our petitions may be delayed for a time, the day will come when He will release His divine power into our situation suddenly and explosively.

   I like to think of this verse saying that the Lord will “execute” His PROMISES on my behalf “thoroughly and quickly.”  The NIV version says, “with speed and finality.”  That means that when the time is right, God will speed up His work on my behalf, and HE will have the final Word – not people, or even the devil himself.

   How do we position ourselves to receive these dynamic answers to our prayers?  We keep on believing.  When our five senses tell us that our dreams are never going to come to pass, we don’t let that bother us.  We just keep on believing God’s promises.  I like to remind myself of Jesus’ words in Mark 5:36 (TPT): “Don’t yield to fear.  All you need to do is to keep on believing.”  Very often, securing our victory is simply a matter of staying in faith when everything and everyone around us is tempting us to doubt the Lord and His promises.  The devil doesn’t know how to handle a believer who refuses to give up.  It literally drives him crazy when we lay hold of a promise of God and refuse to let go.

   God has some breakthroughs in store for you that He wants to “execute” on your behalf “thoroughly and quickly.” “ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS TO KEEP ON BELIEVING”!

    Lord, I pray that by Your Holy Spirit, You will lead me to the exact promises from Your Word that You would like me to pray and stand on today.  You see my needs, and You know the desires of my heart, and I believe that You have some amazing breakthroughs in store for me.  Show me how to get into agreement with You so that I can receive the victories that belong to me in Christ.  Thank You that as I keep my faith in You and Your Word, You will release Your awesome power on my behalf with supernatural speed and finality!

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   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

   *To contact J. M. Farro by email, please use this address:

Feb 25 24

The Promise of His Provision

by J. M. Farro

   “He has given food and provision to those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him; He will remember His covenant forever and imprint it [on His mind].”  Psalm 111:5 AMP 

   Here is a promise for followers of Christ when we are tempted to worry about our finances or retirement.  With rising costs assailing us at the grocery store, at the gas pumps, and elsewhere, it’s all too easy to become fearful and anxious.

   There are times when I am standing in line at the grocery store, and I silently pray, “Lord, I thank You that You give us food and provision because we fear and reverence You!”  Immediately, peace floods my soul, and I know that God is pleased that I have chosen to put my faith in Him and His Word.

   My husband, Joe, and I have had plenty of opportunities to worry about our finances since we retired several years ago.  In fact, Joe was so fearful about us not having a regular income that he entertained the thought of postponing his retirement.  He was having serious heart problems at the time, and I knew in my heart that if he put off retiring, it could seriously affect his health.  When I pleaded with the Lord to move mightily in our financial situation before Joe was scheduled to retire, God moved heaven and earth to enable us to pay off all our debts before then.  Since then, we have trusted the Lord to “give us food and provision” on a daily basis, and He has never once failed us.

   God is not about to forget His covenant promises to His faithful ones – He even says that they are imprinted on His mind.  Now, it’s up to you and me that WE don’t forget His promises, and that we pray them and stand on them in faith for all of our needs.  As we do, the necessary food and provision will be ours in Jesus’ name!

   Lord, please work in my heart so that I will resist becoming fearful and fretful about my financial situation at any time.  Remind me often that You have promised to abundantly supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)  Thank You that as I seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, You will supply all my needs – and then some! (Matthew 6:33)

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

   *To contact J. M. Farro by email, please use this address:

Feb 18 24

Prepared for Trouble

by J. M. Farro

   “I am troubled; O Lord, come to my aid!”  Isaiah 38:14 NIV

   When I read this verse the other morning, I thought to myself, “I’m not feeling particularly troubled today.”  But by the end of that day, I was praying this verse with all my heart, and receiving all the help and reassurance I needed.

   This experience reminded me once again of how the Lord will often lead me to a verse of Scripture BEFORE I actually need it.  Think about it.  Who else can go ahead of us and minister to us before we need specific encouragement, strength, and comfort?

   I have to confess that, sometimes, when God shows me a verse that talks about facing difficulty and pain when I’m not feeling particularly troubled, it makes me shudder.  Often, I will ask, “Are you trying to prepare me for something that’s up ahead, Lord?”  And I look to Him for His reassurance.

   Sometimes, believers tend to be so afraid of making a negative confession that we “edit” our prayers, and we don’t share our true feelings and struggles with the Lord.  It goes against our nature to confess something like, “I am troubled; O Lord, come to my aid!”  But sometimes, that’s exactly what the Lord wants us to do.

   God wants to prepare you ahead of time for any trouble you might encounter in this life.  If you will seek Him daily and live your life for Him, He will make sure that you always have all of the strength, encouragement, and wisdom you will ever need to live the abundant life He has called you to!

   Lord, when I am facing adversity of any kind, help me to turn to You first.  Remind me to resist “editing” my prayers, and to freely pour out my heart to You.  Fill me with a growing passion for Your presence and Your Word, so that I will seek You each day in undistracted and unhurried prayer and Scripture reading.  Thank You that as I walk closely with You each day, I will have all of the divine strength, wisdom, and assistance I need to succeed!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

   *To contact J. M. Farro by email, please use this address:

Feb 11 24

God’s Provision of Boundless Might

by J. M. Farro

   “Be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].”  Ephesians 6:10 AMP

   I once heard a godly man say, “We can be tired, weary, and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength.”  I can attest to the fact that this statement is true.  Since I have been walking closely with the Lord these 30+ years, I have learned the value of spending time alone with Him on a regular basis, especially when I am in dire need of peace of mind and heart.

   I wish I had learned these lessons years ago, when I was young, so that by the time I got to be 70 years old, as I am now, my body and mind would not so easily become weary and worn out.  Even at my age, I find that if I feel tense and in turmoil, if I will simply take time out to be alone with God and His Word, afterwards, I feel refreshed, empowered, and energized.  I may still be facing the same problems as before, but now I am facing them with an inner calmness and confidence.  And it makes all the difference in my outcome, because I can make better decisions in a peaceful state.

   Scripture says: “Be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].” (Ephesians 6:10 AMP)  One way that we can draw on God’s strength is to spend time alone with Him in undistracted and unhurried prayer, meditation, and Scripture reading.  When we do, He will fill us with the “boundless might” that only He “provides.”  And we will receive the positive outcomes and victories that He has in store for us!

   Lord, teach me how to walk in the peace that is my inheritance in Christ.  Put a strong desire in me to spend time with You alone each day in Your presence and Your Word.  Remind me that I can make better decisions and choices when I am in a peaceful state.  Thank You that as I cooperate with You to receive Your boundless energy and strength, I will lay hold of the blessings and breakthroughs that are Your best for me!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

   *To contact J. M. Farro by email, please use this address:

Feb 4 24

A God of Deliverances

by J. M. Farro

   “He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us again.  On Him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us.”  2 Corinthians 1:10 NIV

   When my husband, Joe, and I were going through a very difficult and scary time financially, the Lord brought the verse above to my remembrance.  I had claimed this promise many times, and this particular time, I was feeling a bit hesitant to do so.  It seemed as though I was always asking the Lord to deliver my family and me in one regard or another.  And I was getting weary of hearing myself claim this promise over and over again.

   Then the Lord showed me that He inspired Paul to write this passage in the Bible to encourage us, not to convict us.  He wanted us to know that His mercy, goodness, and desire to help us never wear out.  Notice that God is NOT saying, “Well, I see that you’re in trouble yet again.  Don’t think that I’m going to bail you out every time you have a problem.  I’m through rescuing you!”  No.  When we have put our faith in Christ as our Savior, and have been adopted into God’s family, we have the privilege of asking Almighty God to help us in our time of need – no matter how many times a need arises.

   Yes, there are times when the Lord must allow us to suffer the natural consequences of our poor choices and decisions.  But even then, He will not turn away from us when we turn to Him for help.  The Lord longs for us to humble ourselves before Him, to repent for anything we might have done to invite our troubles, and to ask Him to forgive us and send us the kind of help that only He can give.

   The Bible says, “God is to us a God of deliverances.” (Psalm 68:20 NASB)  It is our God’s very nature to want to deliver His people when they are in trouble.  Paul discovered this truth and declared, “He has delivered us…and He will deliver us again.  On Him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us.”

   If you are in trouble today, and you have rightly placed your hope in the Lord for your deliverance, you have His assurance that His help is on the way!

   Lord, Your Word makes it clear that You delight in delivering Your people.  Teach me how to live for You, and how to rely on You for all my needs.  When I am in trouble, show me how to position myself to receive the rescue You have in store for me.  Help me to learn from my mistakes, but when I do repeat them, don’t let me stubbornly refuse or neglect Your help. Today, I choose to look to You for rescue and relief!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

   *To contact J. M. Farro by email, please use this address:

Jan 28 24

The Practical and Spiritual Sides of Healing

by J. M. Farro

   “The prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up.”  James 5:15 NASB

   In walking closely with the Lord all these years, I have discovered that, where healing needs are concerned, there is usually a spiritual side, as well as a practical side.  Case in point:  The last time I had serious knee problems, the Lord directed me to see my chiropractor more frequently, as well as to take some homeopathic remedies to reduce inflammation.  That was the practical side.  At the same time, He led me to specific healing promises in His Word that I was to diligently pray and stand on until my healing manifested.  He also showed me which fellow followers of Christ I was to call upon to intercede for me in my time of need.

   The Scripture above reveals a powerful principle with regard to the spiritual side of our healing.  Through the Lord’s mercy, goodness, and grace, faith-filled prayers spoken by God’s people have the power to “restore the one who is sick.”  As a result of these petitions, it is the Lord Himself who will “raise [us] up” again.  I have discovered that praying God’s scriptural promises back to Him is one of the most powerful and effective ways for us to pray.  This is just one more instance of why it is so important for us to have a working knowledge of God’s Word.

   The practical side of healing can be just as important as the spiritual side, because when we pray for the restoration of our health, the Lord will often direct us and expect us to cooperate with the healing process in a practical way.  We see a good example of this principle in Scripture when the prophet Isaiah is sent by God to tell King Hezekiah that he should set his affairs in order because he is going to die. (2 Kings 20:1-7)  When the good king turns his face to the wall and prays for mercy, the Lord graciously decides to extend his life, and He prescribes an ointment of figs to bring about the healing that Hezekiah so desperately needs.  Could God have restored the king to health without the ointment?  No question.  But it was a combination of Hezekiah’s prayer AND a fig ointment that brought about the king’s healing.

   I believe that the Lord has you reading this today because He has a perfect plan for your healing.  If you will lay hold of this message by faith – and apply it to your situation – you will witness the Lord working mightily on your behalf.  Right now, rejoice as good King Hezekiah did:  “Think of it – the Lord is ready to heal me!” (Isaiah 38:20 NLT)

   Lord, I thank You that You have promised to be my Healer. (Exodus 15:26)  Whenever I need healing, please reveal to me the practical side, as well as the spiritual side of my healing.  Make me sensitive and obedient to Your Spirit’s leading in these matters, so that I can walk in divine health, and live the abundant life that You came to give me.  Thank You that as I cooperate with You for my healing, others will see Your favor on my life, and You will be glorified!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

   *To contact J. M. Farro by email, please use this address:

Jan 21 24

Favor for the Humble

by J. M. Farro

   “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the proud but shows FAVOR to the humble.’” 1 Peter 5:5 NIV

   When I woke up feeling a bit ill one morning, I immediately sought the Lord.  I sensed in my spirit that mine was not just a physical problem, but a spiritual one.  The Holy Spirit convicted me about how poorly I handled a delicate matter the day before.  Instead of demonstrating humility and respect, I had acted stubbornly and arrogantly.  I repented at once, and the heaviness lifted off of me, and I instantly felt better.

   Scripture instructs us:  “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the proud but shows FAVOR to the humble.’” (1 Peter 5:5 NIV)  When we sense the absence of God’s favor in our lives and circumstances, it could be that we are not walking in humility toward others.  In that case, the Lord could be “opposing” us, and withholding His blessing and peace.

   Psalm 37:11 (NASB) says: “The humble will inherit the land and will delight themselves in abundant prosperity.”  The Bible defines “abundant prosperity” as “unmixed blessedness.”  Think about that.  When we walk humbly before God and in our relationships, we will experience the highest level of divine blessings in our lives.

   The Lord showed me that He doesn’t expect me to be perfect, but He does expect me to be humble.  His Word says, “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.” (Psalm 25:9 NIV)  God richly rewards humble people because they are constantly asking for His direction and help, and He is able to teach them how to receive His best in every area of their lives.  Today, I encourage you to humble yourself before the Lord, and watch what He will do in you, through you, and for you!

   Lord, please help me to enter into a deeper level of humility, so that I can enter into a higher level of divine favor.  Teach me how to humble myself under Your mighty hand, so that You may exalt me at the proper time. (1 Peter 6:7 ESV)  Empower me by Your Spirit to walk in love and compassion in all of my relationships.  Thank You that as I clothe myself with godly humility, I will experience the abundant prosperity and unmixed blessedness that You promise in Your Word!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

   *To contact J. M. Farro by email, please use this address:

Jan 14 24

Living Well is the Best Revenge

by J. M. Farro

   “All we care about is living well before God.”  Hebrews 13:18 MSG

   I read a quote by George Herbert – the late poet, orator, and Anglican priest – that gave me a new perspective on how to live.  He said, “Living well is the best revenge.”  I discovered that this quote is often used with regard to people who have been wronged, and that it is a plea for them to focus on living good lives, instead of seeking revenge against those who hurt them.

   I am 70 years old now, and I have been married to the same man for more than 48 years.  I have also been a mother for more than 46 years.  You can bet that I have had plenty of chances to get angry, bitter, and offended toward others, including toward my closest loved ones.  I haven’t always been Christlike in my treatment of people that I come in contact with, or that I have been in relationship with, but I am learning that it is best for ME if I refuse to hold grudges against others.  When I am walking in forgiveness, I am truly “living well,” and enjoying the unshakeable peace that my Savior died to give me.

   I have seen enough people NOT living well – and ending up bitter, resentful, and dying a slow death – that I want nothing to do with that kind of lifestyle.  Every time someone hurts me, and I am tempted to strike back or be unforgiving, I think of the people who are bitter and miserable, and it jolts me into giving my wounds over to the Lord, and receiving His comfort and healing.

   The Bible says, “All we care about is living well before God.” (Hebrews 13:18 MSG)  When our goal of “living well” supersedes our desire to “get even” with those who hurt us, we will learn that this kind of “revenge” is indeed the sweetest of all!

   Lord, empower me by Your Spirit to make allowances for other people’s faults, and to forgive anyone who offends me.  Help me to remember that because You have forgiven me, I must forgive others. (Colossians 3:13 NLT)  Don’t ever let me become bitter or unforgiving, and don’t allow me to ever feel comfortable with strife or indignation.  Thank You that as I live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ, the blessings of Your promises will flow unhindered in my life! (Ephesians 5:2 NLT)

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

   *To contact J. M. Farro by email, please use this address:

Jan 7 24

God’s Word Runs Swiftly to You

by J. M. Farro

   “He sends out His command to the earth; His word runs very swiftly.”  Psalm 147:15 NKJV

   This verse of Scripture reveals a powerful truth.  God sends out His Word to accomplish His purposes in the earth, and He does it without delay or difficulty.  As one Bible commentator puts it, “The Lord can deliver His people right speedily, or send them supplies immediately from His courts above.”  When you and I are facing deadlines that have us feeling helpless and hopeless, we can ask and trust the Lord to send whatever we need without delay.

   But there’s much more promise in this verse.  Charles Spurgeon said, “If God’s word runs very swiftly, then it can even overtake those who run away from it.  Not only can the Lord come quickly to those who seek Him, but He can overtake those who hasten away from Him.”  We can pray for our unsaved loved ones, asking God to send His Word to overtake them and draw them to Him.  We have all heard testimonies of people who were “suddenly” captured by the Gospel, and brought into the kingdom of God.

   The Message Bible translation of this verse says, “He launches His promises earthward – how swift and sure they come!”  With thousands of promises in the Bible, every need and desire we will ever face in this life is covered by divine grace.  The Lord is prepared to send His Word and the deliverance, protection, and provision you need today.  Ask Him.  Trust Him.  And watch His promise run swiftly to you!

   Lord, when I am facing needs and deadlines that have me concerned, remind me to ask and trust You to send the perfect provision without delay.  Teach me how to pray for my unsaved loved ones, asking You to send Your Word to overtake them, and to draw them into a deeply intimate and eternal relationship with You.  Thank You for causing Your precious and powerful promises to run very swiftly to supply all of the protection, provision, and deliverances I will ever need!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

   *To contact J. M. Farro by email, please use this address:

Dec 30 23

Our ‘New Beginning’ God

by J. M. Farro

   “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history.  Be alert, be present.  I’m about to do something brand-new.  It’s bursting out!  Don’t you see it?  There it is!”  Isaiah 43:18-19 MSG  

   When my mother died several years ago, some of my family members were lamenting the fact that her death brought “the end of an era” for our family.  In an effort to encourage them, I began telling them that endings can bring new beginnings.  We weren’t meant to keep looking back.  When we do, we get stuck.  God wants His people continually moving forward.  He wants us constantly looking ahead to the good things He has in front of us.

   This doesn’t mean that the Lord expects us to forget our loved ones when they leave this earth.  Not at all.  We should keep them in remembrance, and even talk about them to others.  But a season of mourning should never become a lifetime of mourning.  We can’t leave one foot in the past and expect to move forward, as the Lord intends for us to do.  When we are driving in our car, if we keep looking in our rearview mirror, we will eventually veer off course, and we will never get where we are supposed to go. 

   Our God is a “new beginning” God.  He desires that we live our lives with great expectations about our future.  The Message Bible puts it this way:  “This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life.  It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike ‘What’s next, Papa?’” (Romans 8:15 MSG)  I am eagerly looking ahead to the amazing new things the Lord has in store.  How about you?

   Lord, when I suffer any kind of loss, help me to turn to You for the deep and lasting comfort, consolation, and healing that can only come from You.  Work in my heart and mind so that I will keep looking forward, and don’t let me get stuck in the past.  Fill me with a sense of hopeful expectation for my future.  Thank You that as I walk closely with You throughout each day, You will lead me along pleasant paths of peace, joy, breakthroughs, and blessings!

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   *To purchase J. M. Farro autographed books, check out the J. M. Farro ETSY Store at

   *Join the J. M. Farro Devotionals group on Facebook, and connect with J. M. Farro — with mid-week devotionals in addition to the standard weekly devotionals. You can access this group by clicking here!

   *To contact J. M. Farro by email, please use this address: