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Don’t Waste Your Breath

by J. M. Farro on July 16th, 2023

   “Don’t waste your breath on fools, for they will despise the wisest advice.”  Proverbs 23:9 NLT

   When I was getting Christian counseling when my children were very young many years ago, I learned that I was spending too much of my time and energy trying to help people who had no real desire to change their dysfunctional behavior.  These folks would call or visit me and seek my advice about different situations, and even though I gave them wise counsel, they always seemed to do the opposite of what I recommended.  Then I would end up feeling frustrated and totally drained.

   Scripture tells us, “Don’t waste your breath on fools, for they will despise the wisest advice.” (Proverbs 23:9 NLT)  A lot of Christians these days are wasting precious time and energy trying to help people who don’t really want their help.  They don’t realize that Satan uses these foolish folks to distract them from their God-given purpose and potential.  The devil loves to keep believers focused on those around us who are needy, self-absorbed, or destructive, knowing that we can’t serve the Lord with wholehearted devotion when we are entangled in other people’s messes.

   Proverbs says, “Save your breath for the wise – they’ll be wiser for it; tell good people what you know – they’ll profit from it.” (Proverbs 9:7-9 MSG)  God will put people in our path who will benefit from our sound advice, and they are the ones we should focus on helping on a regular basis.  This doesn’t mean that we should only spend our time and energy on those who are receptive to our help.  We want to reach out to as many people as possible.  BUT, when we see that certain people are habitually ignoring our good advice, it might be best to distance ourselves from their dysfunction so that they cannot drain the life out of us and get us off track.  Ask yourself today, “Am I wasting my breath on fools?”

   Lord, I regret and repent for all of the time and energy I have wasted on people who have remained unreceptive to my attention and my assistance.  Give me wisdom and discernment to know who You desire me to minister to.  Fill me with patience and understanding so that I can help those You put in my path without becoming frustrated or discouraged.  Teach me to spend regular time in Your presence and Your Word so that YOU can minister to ME according to my needs.  Thank You for all of the precious people that You will help through me! 

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