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Words for the Weary

by J. M. Farro on September 10th, 2023

   “The Lord God has given me His words of wisdom so that I may know what I should say to all these weary ones.  Morning by morning He wakens me and opens my understanding to His will.”  Isaiah 50:4 TLB

   This was one of the first Scriptures that the Lord gave me when He called me into service over 30 years ago.  I still confess it almost daily because it reminds me that the Holy Spirit continually equips me to minister to others with God’s own “words of wisdom,” according to “His will.”  I especially appreciate that the Lord enables me to encourage “weary ones” – people who are suffering, heartbroken, discouraged, or worn out.

   Not long ago, God showed me that this Scripture also means that He will give me His words of wisdom to encourage myself.  When I am feeling worn out and weary, the Spirit of God will prompt me to confess and declare the specific divine promises that will energize not only my faith, but every fiber of my being, so that I can persevere and “finish my course with joy.” (Acts 20:24 AMP)

   If you are a follower of Christ, then you have been called into service, too.  And the Holy Spirit is available to equip you with the very words of God to “say to all these weary ones” just what they need to hear most.  When you follow the Spirit’s leading, you will speak “the words of eternal life” that will make an eternal difference in people’s lives for the glory of God!  (John 6:68 NIV)

   Lord, help me to spend regular time in Your presence and Your Word, feeding on Your promises, and hiding them in my heart. (Psalm 119:11)  Give me Your words of wisdom, so that I may know what to say to the weary ones I come in contact with in my daily life.  Teach me how to declare the Scriptures that will energize my faith, and every fiber of my being, so that I can finish my course with great joy.  Thank You that as I minister to others in Your name, I will reap an abundant harvest of spiritual and earthly blessings!

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