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God’s Pathway for Your Healing

by J. M. Farro on May 11th, 2024

   “The Lord says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and watch over you.’”  Psalm 32:8 NLT

   The longer I live, the more it becomes obvious to me that there are often many pathways to healing and wholeness.  In fact, there are so many kinds of remedies and treatments available to us today that it can become confusing and bewildering when we need healing in our bodies.  That’s why I have gotten in the habit of seeking God first when I need healing of any kind.  The promise above says that the Lord wants to guide us along His best pathway for our lives, and we can ask Him to do that in the area of healing.

   We can pray, “Lord, lead me along Your perfect pathway of healing and wholeness, and help me to follow You closely, and to cooperate with You fully and joyfully all the way.”  Here, we are not only asking God for HIS means of healing us, but we are asking Him to help us to cooperate with Him in order to hasten our healing, and not hinder it in any way.

   We can even ask the Lord to lead us to the people who are best for us in the healing process.  “Lord, lead me to the doctors and health care providers that are best for me.  Anoint and enable them to do me great good, and no harm.”  Having the right doctors can make all the difference when we are seeking treatment for our ailments and afflictions.  Not only that, but the people who are on staff in these doctors’ practices can even make a big difference.

   I often pray, “Lord, spare me from all unnecessary, unpleasant, and harmful tests and treatments.”  There’s nothing wrong with asking God to spare us from suffering.  His Word is full of promises of protection, deliverance, and healing, and He won’t fault us for claiming them.  In fact, the Bible tells us to, “Put the Lord in remembrance of His promises.” (Isaiah 62:6 AMP)  We can do this by praying the promises that apply to our specific need, by declaring them out loud, and by thanking God in advance for honoring each one.

   Scripture says, “Your road led through the sea, Your pathway through the mighty waters – a pathway no one knew was there!” (Psalm 77:19 NLT)  Don’t put limits on God.  His pathway of healing for you may not look like anything you ask or imagine.  Believe that the Lord wants you healthy and whole, and expect a miracle today!

   Lord, please renew my mind so that I will always believe with all my heart that You want me to live a long and healthy life.  Teach me to avoid the people, places, and things that will do me more harm than good.  Help me to be disciplined about taking care of my body and every aspect of my health.  Thank You that as I cooperate with You for the restoration and preservation of my health, You will lead me along Your perfect pathway of healing and wholeness!

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