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The Touch of Faith

by J. M. Farro on May 26th, 2024

   At that moment Jesus felt power had gone out of Him.  He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched My clothes?”  His disciples said to Him, “How can You ask, ‘Who touched Me,’ when You see the crowd pressing You on all sides?”  Mark 5:30-31 GW

   Chapter Five of the Gospel of Mark gives an account of a woman who “had been subject to bleeding for twelve years.” (v. 25 NIV)  We are told that, “When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak, because she thought, ‘If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed.’” (v. 28)  Her faith was rewarded, because the Scripture says, “Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.” (v. 29)

   But her story doesn’t end there.  The Bible goes on to say: “At that moment Jesus felt power had gone out of Him.  He turned around in the crowd and asked, ‘Who touched My clothes?’” (v. 30 GW)  His disciples respond with a reasonable question: “How can You ask, ‘Who touched Me,’ when You see the crowd pressing You on all sides?” (v. 31)  The Scripture reveals that Jesus basically ignored His disciples and “kept looking around to see the woman who had done this.” (v. 32)  Finally, the woman came forward and “told Him the whole truth.” (v. 33)  Jesus then says to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well.  Go in peace!  Be cured from your illness.” (v. 34)

   What’s interesting is that even though there were people pressing Jesus on all sides, it wasn’t until this woman touched Him that He “felt power had gone out of Him.”  Why?  Because she touched Him with her faith.  One Bible commentator makes mention of “the supernatural power that flowed out of Jesus at the touch of faith.”  Lots of people were bumping into the Savior that day, but the Scripture doesn’t mention them.  It does, however, highlight this woman’s touch of faith that enabled her to receive the healing she sought for twelve long years.

   Here’s my point:  Simply bumping in to Jesus will not enable us to receive from Him the way that reaching out to Him in faith will.  One way we can reach out to God in faith is to pray faith-filled prayers.  Prayers based on the Word and promises of God are supremely powerful.  Taking steps of obedience are also powerful expressions of our faith.  When we seek the Lord’s will in prayer, and His Spirit prompts us to do something, as soon as we make a move to follow Him, He responds to our step of faith.  Let’s not spend the rest of our lives merely bumping in to Jesus, and missing out on His best blessings.  Let’s reach out and touch Him with our faith every time!

   Lord, teach me how to reach out to You in faith.  Show me how to pray faith-filled prayers that are promise-centered, and not problem-centered.  Reveal to me what steps of obedience You would like me to take each day of my life, and make me quick to obey You.  Help me to cooperate with You on a regular basis for the building of my faith.  Thank You that as I reach out and touch You with my faith, I will reap all of the blessings and breakthroughs that You have for me!

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